We optimize use of available financial resources and balance output to be most effective and efficient. Within the IWPP framework, we have been able to partner with appropriate federal, state, and local agencies to carry out our mission. We are especially proud of our efforts to think and act with a watershed-wide perspective with respect to our “Integrated Watershed Protection Plans” for our major watersheds. Residents, business owners, and government agencies have all become partners in planning the future of our watersheds. An outcome of laws, strengthening environmental regulation and changing community values encourages comprehensive planning at a watershed level and involvement of watershed stakeholders. And, as the county has become more urbanized, the regulatory environmental demands have also evolved protecting community values and priorities.Ĭommunities now look to us to protect their homes and businesses, while preserving water quality, safeguarding habitat, and improving watershed performance, including beneficial use like recreation. Over the years, as predominately agricultural lands transformed into growing communities, the control of floodwaters has become increasingly important. Our region has experienced many changes since the creation of the District in 1944 when we were officially the “Ventura County Flood Control District.” Ventura County Watershed Protection has a long history of service to the citizens of our county. Responsible and accountable use of public resources and.Administration of adopted regulations, policies and resolutions.Collaboration with watershed stakeholders.Comprehensive, long range watershed planning.The District’s mission is to protect life, property, watercourses, watersheds, and public infrastructure from the dangers and damages associated with flood and stormwaters. The name change also reflected the District’s desire to emphasize integrated watershed management and to solve flood control problems with environmentally sound approaches. On January 1, 2003, the name was changed to the Ventura County Watershed Protection District to reflect changes in community values, regulatory requirements, and funding opportunities. The District was originally established on Septemas the “Ventura County Flood Control District” (VCFCD). Ventura County Watershed Protection was formed, in part, to provide for the control and conservation of flood and stormwaters, and for the protection and maintenance of watercourses, watersheds, and life and property in the District from damage or destruction from storm flows or flooding. Accela Citizen Access – County Permit System.Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project.Construction & Demolition Debris Management.Integrated Waste Management Division (IWMD).Transportation Operations and Maintenance.Private Property/Roads Frequently Asked Questions.Capital Improvements Projects – Five Year Plan.The official website of the Ventura County Public Works Agency.